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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Days of Past 2014

Filling this blog with my daily activities hasn't been easy. Given that this month itself, I managed to publish two posts. Earlier this year, I tasked myself to decorate this blog as lively as I live my life throughout 2014. Seemed like not too long ago that I was drafting my first post for the year and now, it looks like I will be drafting my first post for 2015.

If you haven't been reading my blog (boo-hoo), you probably won't notice that I dedicated a post to feature each month that had past this year, sharing my experience from the point of view of an intern to a cashier to an educator. To say it was a roller coaster ride would be understatement because it offered so much more that I couldn't put into words (or maybe I can but I'm too sluggish to think of anything).

To walk down the memory lane of 2014, I will feature some of my personal best photos that I took this year which would also summarize my overall reminiscence of this past year.

It started as a battle...

All new year is a different battlefield that we must face inevitably. Like joining a newly created Dota game, the players differ each time. While some have no idea what's going on (me included), some are adept to the point that they can destroy you in matters of minutes. Similarly, I started this year with a slam of work ethics during my internship and I can honestly say that I had no clue as to what the heck was going on. Even to this point, there are times when I'm just so lost in work.

Work aside, my social life and hobbies came to frequent standstill as well. With regards to the former, I find myself lonelier after my degree ended. Needless to say, friends separated and went their own way and I was left to fend off the war of life myself. Over the time, some of them did come back to my circle while I acquainted some new ones too. This wasn't as depressing as my work life and I did learn to cherish my friends more.

Coming to my interest and hobbies, the reason why my blog or Instagram wasn't as lively as others' was due to the fact that I hit a bump on my creative side. Called it creative constipation, I couldn't muster an idea to write about or to photograph. I ended up watching adult cartoons and Sex and the City instead. While I'm adjusting myself to cope with my working life, I do hope my creativity will ignite from an ember to flame throughout next year.

Becoming a comforting melancholy...

In the span of 12 months, I had reverted back to the morbidity that I used to find comforting in the times when I was alone. The sweet melancholy of sadness and despondency developed from the tension of work and the ambiguity of my future enveloped me and I openly embraced it. I was a very repressed kid back in high school so I know a thing or two about being morbid. This was not to say I was suicidal but I looked at the work in a half empty way and I enjoyed it. Such phenomenon would rise and wane during certain months but I'm glad to say it's over now (well, there is some juice left but it's sealed tight).

Then, everything is awesome...
Of course, when it comes down to it, I would say I had fun venturing into new battle territories. Setbacks were to be expected but extra points scored from all the laughs and learning propelled me to look forward to another day no matter how gloomy the weather was.

Since the start, changes were around the corners and it was futility in practice to try to stop their influence. Same goes to whatever is going to happen in 2015. No matter how dark the clouds loom over the horizon, just sing a happy tune and you will realize they could provide a joyful wintry feel to the hot mess countries are facing these days (cue "Let It Go").

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without" - Buddha

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