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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Apocalyptic Artwork - Death: Everything Dies

Holy cow, this post is long overdue. I just finished my exam (so, YAY!) but my apartment's Internet is down again (boooo!). Anyhow, this post will be the conclusion to my Apocalyptic Project, featuring none other than Death himself, or herself, or...whatever.

Name: Death
Colour: Black
Goal: Reap the souls of all those who die (as simple as that)

The Horseman Death - the last and final of all 4 horsemen. The thing with Death is that everything dies or moves on eventually. Perhaps, even God himself would one day move on (I learned this from Supernatural). Death is the most fundamental aspect of all things alive. It is the final road that one partakes since birth and what lies beyond is still a mystery. Maybe there is nothing more than that and life just stops. On the other hand, some would like to believe after death, a soul's journey continues on either going to paradise (Heaven) or life merely starts over (reincarnation). Whatever lies beyond, Death will always be there to take you to it.

Additionally, Death isn't exactly a malevolence entity nor it's a benevolence one. It's main job is to clean up once a soul's journey ends. It is non-judgmental because nobody cheats death. Even if you do, you would wind up in its hands sooner or later. The thing about Death that makes it creepy is the mystery that surrounds it. As I mentioned in the first paragraph, no one knows what happens after Death. The unknown gives us the creep simply because we humans do not like suspense. We want to know what goes on after that but this question may never be answered.

Now, to me, Death is the big brother of all the Horsemen. While the first 3 had their fun causing mayhem, Death would be the one cleaning up the mess. Think about it. After the 3 finished their goals, there's bound to be...death. People die and Death would be there to reap their souls. Whether it actually uses a scythe to do so, it's really unknown.

Hence, for my artwork, I pictured Death as the typical entity in a black shroud with no or little facial expression while carrying a giant scythe. I added the skulls because that all there are left when the souls are claimed. There are two extra skulls I included on top of Death. They act as the master's personal watch dog - that is to detect any souls left behind. Souls that are not reaped would turn into a confused and violent ghost as typically seen in media. So their job is pretty essential.

With that, I end this post. For those who want to see more, I recently made the 7 deadly sins. I might feature them here in the blog but that depends on the level of sloth in me. Check out my Instagram for more info. And as always, cheers~

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