Review of my September comes a bit late. Heck, I'm only posting this on the second last day of October. I supposed that's what happens when no itineraries are made in one's journey of life. Your mind is aimless; steps are askew; paths are unclear.

My luggage wasn't unpacked after that. I continued on to see you know who in Gopeng but only for 2 days. It was a simple getaway as well to keep my sanity in check and remind me that I needed to build a cabin so that I might retire there one day when I couldn't handle city life anymore.
Uprooting is definitely in my itinerary in the pending future. While I'm not sure whether I mentioned this before, I'm a type of person who can't stay a place that I'm not comfortable with. Of course, those which I'm comfortable with, I will latch onto them like a leech and drain the life out of them (whahahahahaha).
Needless to say, what is your itinerary for your life? Plan anything yet? Even staying home and not doing anything is still a plan, though I'm not sure if it's an exciting one. Plan now before others plan your life for you.
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