There are moments in life that even the strongest of us face a defeating sense of helplessness. The world, in your mind, is perpetually challenging you with seemingly impossible hurdles to jump over.
One after another, there is no time or comfort to seek, even for just a short while. Arduous tasks are continuously hurled towards you by an unseen force.
One after another, you feel tired and hopeless to even give a damn about it any longer and you start to curl in that corner. It maybe dark and forlorn but there is some comfort in it for you don't even need to care anymore.
One after another, the unseen force persists on with its incessant tasks, piling up the room. Eventually, there will be no space or air left for you to breathe in if you continue to give in.
We all had those moments. Either you seek the comfort to give in or dig your way out until you find the exit for a fresher air to breathe in. Don't ever clip those wings and become a fallen angel when there's are better moments to behold.
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