Anyhow, this post ain't about that. So, to go to this place, I need to take a bus. Otherwise, it's 20min to half an hour walk away. I usually walk home after my session is done as I like to listen to music and wave at the vehicles passing by. Today, my agenda was slightly different. After my session was done, I went to watch The Amazing Spider Man 2: Rise of Electro but more on that later. By the time when the movie was over, it was already 5pm and ominous clouds loomed the sky. Being the impatient rascal that I am, I didn't wait for the bus and instead, I took off knowing that the rain was about to fall. Amazingly, I made it more than half way through before the rain started and I found myself stuck on a bridge with a cover overhead.
Since it was a downpour, there was no way I was getting off the bridge for a while. Instinctively, I took out my iPad and started taking some photos. Of course, the only LEGO I brought along was Spider Man which I intended to shoot at the cinema but I ended up forgetting about it so I had to do so on the bridge. Other than the LEGO photos, I shot other scenery (with names) as well and they are as followed:
Cascading Freeway
Frankly, it was nice to just watch the cars went by on top of the bridge. Try it sometimes, just to clear your mind.
Now it's time for:
Spidey Review
There will be a major spoiler for those who haven't watch the movie yet. Fans should see this coming from the trailer but if you still don't want to be spoiled, go away now, read no further. You are warned.
Ok, the overall movie was, like the last one, 'meh'. That's the only word I can describe it. However, I do love the character building between Peter and Gwen in the latest one. Jamie Foxx as Electro was awesome as well but I felt that they didn't develop him as much as the two main characters. For the viewers, he just seemed like a nutty scientist (like all the villains of Spidey films) who turned psychotic because of 'accidents'.
The villain origins for all the Spidey film (even some from the original trilogy) was so lackluster that not even Electro's electricity can revive them. It's the typical story plot whereby a shy super genius was bestowed amazing powers and turned evil due to some personal vendetta. Electro was worse as they did so little to electrify his character development. Less so than Dr Connors, a.k.a The Lizard. The only thing that sparkled for him was his transformation and the fight scenes with Spidey. When you put a villain's name in the movie title, you expect more from him other than a few fight scenes here and there.
That brings us to the other two villains as seen from the poster, Green Goblin and Rhino. Don't expect too much of them with the exception that they will eventually lead up to Sony's plan of filming a Sinister Six movie. Sinister Six is the opposite equivalent of Avengers whereby Spidey's worst villains ganged up to fight the wall crawler. I just wished Sony would collaborate with Marvel on this but oh well, one can only hope things go well.
Now, back to Peter and Gwen. The sequel definitely focused more on them as a couple and how they overcome the obstacles of Peter being a superhero. Emma Stone did an amazing (I think I have used this word way too many times) portraying Gwen the way she loved Peter as shown in comics. At times, the movie gave off a romantic love story similar to Captain America 2 giving off an espionage thriller.

Gloomy and forlorn - just like his love life.
Anyway, if you haven't watched the movie yet, it's worth watching once. It can be a bit draggy due to the movie length (which was too long) but if you are sucker for love stories and a bit of actions in between, then maybe you can watch it two times. So, I give this film my personal rating of 3 out of 5.
Now, I will crawl into my web of blanket and snooze like the arachnid I am. Bye~
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