Today's Labour's Day! Yay!
Too bad I'm not a labourer. Nope. Still jobless at the moment but the light is shining brighter in May. I'm saying this with my finger crossed behind my back.

On the weekdays, I was selling pretzels whereas I spent my weekends (mostly just Saturday) teaching kids English at a special need center. While selling pretzels was a new experience for, alas, my dwindling interest in it didn't prolong my stay for May. As for the teaching assistant job, what can I say, I actually like being a teacher.
Funny thing was that back in high school, I constantly told myself to never even consider a teaching job. It's true that people change and sometimes it's for the better. At least teaching makes me happy (for now). So, you can assume what kind of job I'm applying these days.
While I spent most of my days job hunting as well as working, a few fascinating event did happen (otherwise, I would rot with boredom). Thank goodness for that. First of all, I had my first visit to Cy's fieldwork venue in My Gopeng Resort. While there, I saw my first ever Rafflesia, the world largest flower Vileplume is based on. Whoever says the thing stinks from afar needs to get their nose checked. Nevertheless, it was nice to get out of the city life (again). I need to do one of these trips more often.
One potion was concocted for me by Sunway Psych Department. I was featured in a Sunway (my university) magazine. It detailed my award for having one of the best research presentation in a psychology conference. Though I took the picture when I shaved off my hair, it was another first time of something I have for my life.
Lastly, I conjured up a Facebook Fan Page for my LEGO photos as I thought my photos were piling up and it was getting hard to sort them. Given Facebook's unlimited photo storage as well as the capability to categorize them, I decided to just upload all my old photos along with the new ones there for your pleasure viewing (that is if you like looking at them in the first place >.<).
Well, that was my April. Hopefully, May can be a bit face paced for me. I can feel myself morphing into a slug or a sloth. Four things I do look forward to in May are the 4 movie highlights of the month - The Amazing Spider Man 2, Godzilla, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Maleficent.
What do you look forward to in May and how was your April? Perhaps it's time to reflect?
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