Note: It is advised that you read the Introduction and Prologue of the story to not be lost. Thank you. link:
Chapter 1: Keeping the Fairground Clean...of Crime!
(Detective Kaine's narration)
The name's Detective Kaine. I had been on the force for a few years now and I'm best when it comes to detecting crimes. No, really, I swift and speedy when it comes to sensing troubles nearby. Don't believe me? Well, I heard a scream nearby not a moment ago and judging by the clownish pitch, I would say it came from the funfair that is in town. Now, I just have to wait for dispatch to confirm it. Hey, what can I say, I don't wanna barge into a false alarm. I may look rough but I'm quite the meticulous fella.
Now, back to sympathizing me. Like I said, I never miss detecting crimes but sad to say, I have never solved any of them, no thanks to a certain bat. Darnit, I hate him. His multi-billion gadgets, multi-billion crap mobile and a skater-punk side kick. Kinda remind me of a certain billionaire from Gotham but I just couldn't put my mind on it.
Whatever! Batman has been taking credits for all the past crimes I detected but not this time. Not for this crime. Whatever went down at the funfair, I will be sure to crack the case before the Bat does. Just gotta be calm and wait for...
"I'M ON IT!"
Like I said, I had to solve this crime. No way the Bat was taking all the credits again. Without a moment to lose, I sped into the night and into the next junction. Of course, I drove under the speed limit. Would be pretty embarrassing if I were to be fined by my buddies. Haha. Now, only if I could find some traffic police to buddy up.
30 Minutes later and 5km away~
Anyhow, I reached the funfair not long after. Dispatch later filled me in on the crime. Apparently, a nobody by the name of Emmet had an important brick stolen from his back. The guy's pretty messed up judging on the bruises. A clown on stilts named Bernie was the sole witness but I would keep him under my watch if I couldn't help it. You know what they say, witnesses are prime suspects as well. I heard it from some crime show. Too much of them these days but valuable advice nonetheless.
Not a moment to lose, I brisk walked into the fairground, I popped a cigarette and snapped my lighter to lit it. It ignited and I watched as the flame diminished into a bright ember. An upward stream of smoke appeared and I took a puff from the cigarette.
That was probably the most horrible thing I had put into my mouth. I didn't understand no idea how the cops on movie did it. They look cool and slick when they smoke but darn, they must have practice or something. Without thinking of putting that thing into my plastic mouth again, I snuffed it out with my foot and strolled away towards the crime scene.
Coming back to the crime scene, just thought I was early to the scene of the crime for once, there he was. Standing there in his black cape while analyzing the crime scenes with his high tech LEGO bricks. Oh, I'm the Batman, I'm so dark and sad and cool that everybody likes me. Blah blah blah. Darn, I hate the guy. Nevertheless, I could turn this into my advantage. Ya, that's what I would do. Let him do all the crime analyzing and I would interview the witness. Now, just gotta find the witness. A clown on stilts was it? There's a clown crying by the corner. Perhaps he's the one and nice stilts he had.
"Hi clown, I'm Detective Kaine here. You're the one who found Emmet?" asked Kaine.
"Boo hoo. That be me. Who would do such a thing to such happy people? Boo hoo." responded Bernie.
Before I was able to continue my interrogation, the Bat barged in like he owned the place. Who did he think he is? Bruce Wayne?
"I will take it from here, detective. Reports say you saw four suspects. Any of them had pointy ears?" queried Batman.
"Why yes. I..." said Bernie but before he could finish, I had to cut him off. I needed to know the full story and I would not let the Bat solved this crime before I did. So, I demanded the clown to tell the full story. Obviously, the Bat found it annoying and frustrating to listen to what he already knew but I was the law enforcement there so I had the authority. Not some vigilante in a cape.
"Errrr...ok. Well, I will start from the very beginning," Bernie said as he tried to recall what happened but it was hard to take him serious with that clownish make-up on his face.
(Bernie's narration)
"I thought I went over there to cheer the guy up with some juggling or balloon animals on my stilts. Next thing you know, I heard him screaming and this other minifig was beating up the guy. Now, I couldn't wear my glasses on the job so I didn't really get a good look at the other minifig. Just the silhouette."
"Another was, it was hard to run in these stilts, ya know. By the time I got there, it was too late. The minifig was lying on the ground and his brick was stolen. Oh the horror! Oh the sadness! Oh the unhappiness! Boo hoo hoo."
"Alright enough with the crying. You said you saw someone with pointy ears?" asserted Kaine.
"Well, by the time I got there, I saw four minifigs running away from the scene. One had pointy ears like a cat, as I was telling Batman. One had a fedora and a whip. One had a staff and the fig was old with grey hair. And last one I didn't get a good look but I think it was a girl fig," answered Bernie.
(Detective Kaine's monologue)
After the clown was done explaining, he went back to sobbing. I thought he had enough so I didn't press on. As much as I hated it, I had to discuss with Batman to narrow down the four suspects. Now who could they be. This town was full of minifigs and these descriptions could apply to any of them. I had to crack my noggin for this one.
As expected, I couldn't rely on the Bat on this one. See, he preferred to work along and he seemed to have some ideas on who the perpetrator was. Luck was on my side 'cuz he got a call from the Justice League on some Doomsday trouble. The Bat could save the world and all but I ain't got time for that. This case was more dire than saving the world 'cuz I wanted to solve it.
Subsequently, he left and I investigated the crime scene a bit. There were plastic scraps everywhere. Poor fella might have taken a hard beating. Speaking of which, my associates told me he was hospitalized in the Brick Mercy Hospital. I put a mental note to check up on him for clues later.
Nothing particular stood out from the crime scene. I did notice some poop residue nearby. The stench was enough to indicate it. It looked as though someone might have stepped on it or scrapped but who would scrap poop. I pitied the fella who stepped on it though cuz that's some stinky poop. It probably came from the stray cats in the alley. I was going to leave it alone but just to follow procedure, I got one of the officers analyzed it back at the lab.
With no clue to follow up, I decided to visit Emmet at the hospital. Meanwhile, I kept replaying the clown's statement in my mind. 4 suspects and one of them was a girl. It didn't hit me until I looked at the officers' reports of the crime scene. One of Emmet's friend was a girl named Wyldstyle. Thinking about that made me realized why were they in that corner of the funfair in the first place. Was it a perfect spot for a theft? If so, what could this girl, Wyldstyle want with that brick, this Piece of Resistance?
Some many questions and I didn't have the answers but I did know that there were some interrogations to do in the hospital.
Stay tuned for Chapter 2: Things Are Getting Wyld
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