Chapter 2: Things are Getting Wyld
(Wyldstyle's narration)
There's a certain stench in the hospital that you can't find anywhere else. It's a mixture of sickness, medicine and miracle of life. It leaves some queasy, some irritated and some worried. For me, it just makes me want to get of this place as soon as Emmet could get back on his legs.
Poor guy was beaten up pretty badly. According to the doc, he sustained few broken ribs, disfigurement on the plastic markings on his torso, few punches to face and misplaced limbs. The docs managed to put him back in the right figure for the last part but he was advised to stay for night.
Anyhow, we needed to boot the hospital before Lord Business realized the Piece was not with Emmet. We could use this to our advantage...somehow. Vitruvius should know what to do.
Darn it! All these late night shenanigan made me drowsy. A little overpriced coffee from Larry at the coffee joint next door should do the trick. But I couldn't just leave Emmet alone in the room. What if someone kidnapped him? Hmm...Perhaps, I would just make a quick trip there and come back before anybody knew I was gone.
1 hour later...
"Boy! There were just so many coffees to choose from," thought Wyldstyle as she tried to comfort herself with that excuse.
The hallways were silent at the depth of the night. That didn't bother Wyld. She was dominant and assertive. Plus, she had seen her fair shares of battles. She was trained for the worst of the worst because she thought she was the chosen one and one couldn't be more prepared. However, her downfall was that she was too eager, too quick to judge.
In her absence, Emmet was visited by Detective Kaine to which Wyld didn't expect. She was just about to walk into Emmet's ward when she caught sight of the officer. Subsequently, she overheard them in their conversation.
"So you're saying you didn't remember the person who took the brick?" enquired Detective Kaine
"Sorry no sir. The person knew where to knock me and somehow blurred my memory. Talk about skilled in combat, ya know?" answered Emmet.
In Wyld's frantic mind, she unintentionally mistook Detective Kaine for Good Cop/Bad Cop, thinking that he caught up to them. Now, he was interrogating Emmet for information. Wyld cursed in her mind thinking that the Emmet had a tracking device latched onto him without them knowing. In her state of mental frenzy, she accidentally bumped onto the wall directing others' attention to her.
"Oh hi Wyld! Why are you being all sneaky over there?"
Stunned, Wyld did the only thing she could think of. She ran like the wild wind that she was.
Noting this as an act of panic, Detective Kaine sprang into action. As he exited the ward, Wyld was already halfway down the hall. Nevertheless, Kaine gave chase to her. Wyld ran past a few wandering and possibly confused patients who were on their way to the maiden's office to complain about the noise. Seeing that the cop was still a distance away, Wyld let out a sigh of relief until she turned a sharp corner and bumped into a nurse and her clipboard. It took Wyld a moment to get herself up and realize why she was running. Before she could spring again, Kaine caught up to her. Instinctively, Wyld karate chopped Kaine on his left arm before he could even take out his handcuffs. Then, she leg swept him, causing him to fall. This was the opportunity for Wyld to dash back to the ward and grab Emmet before he was incarcerated.
Seeing firsthand Wyld's moves, there was no doubt in Kaine's mind that Wyld was the perpetrator. She had the strength and martial arts knowledge to induce unconsciousness and she had the agility to make a getaway before anyone noticed her presence. Using his detecting skills, he saw an old lamp hanging precariously on the ceiling that Wyld was about to run through. Without a moment to lose, he fired two shots and the second shot snapped the wire. As if it was an elaborate Rube Goldberg's machine, the lamp landed on Wyld's head. She collapsed and lie there. It was a good thing she was in the hospital 'cuz the lamp hit her pretty hard.
"Where am I?"
"Ouch! Why can't I move my fingers? Oh wait, I don't have them."
In reality, Wyld couldn't move her hands. It seemed that she was handcuffed to a table. The room she found herself in was pitch dark. The only illumination was a lamp hanging above the center of the table. For some reasons, she wanted to karate chop the lamp.
Suddenly, two hands slammed the table and the cop appeared. Now that she was able to look at him closely, it wasn't Good Cop/Bad Cop. His badge indicated that he's Detective Kaine. That gave Wyld some relief but it didn't give her any comfort since she's cuffed to table. Before she could think further, Kaine demanded her to confess.
First of all, Wyld wanted to strangle Emmet. Secondly, she knew she didn't steal the Piece of Resistance but she was jealous. Initially, she was reluctant to confess the truth but given that she didn't have any choice, she let the cat out of the bag.
"Yes, I was jealous," explained Wyld. "But I didn't steal the Piece. Why would I when the main goal is to defeat Lord Business."
"Then, tell me why you were in that dark alley. It seemed like the perfect spot to stage a robbery," retaliated Kaine.
"It was embarrassing. That's why I was secretive about it. I really wanted to be the chosen one."
"That's a nice fairy tale but..." Before Detective Kaine could finish his sentence, Batman barged into the room and released Wyld with his skeleton key.
"She's telling the truth and I'm releasing her," asserted Batman.
Angered, Kaine responded, "Under who's authority!"
"Mine! Cuz I'm Batman!"
Kaine and Bat ended up throwing punches and Wyld had to put a stop to it. It was revealed that Wyld and Bat were a couple and Bat was not too happy about Wyld being interrogated. He insisted that she was innocent. Reluctantly, Kaine had to concur as the Bat is usually always right. He still despised the guy.
"If it wasn't her, then who else could it be?" questioned Kaine.
"Well, I did see Gandalf running past me when I was finishing with my session. Perhaps he had something to do with it since he had that magic staff of his" said Wyld.
While perplexed at first, Kaine reached a revelation. Gandalf might not had the skills like Wyld to injure Emmet but he did have the magic to conjure beastly warriors and make forgetting spells.
Excited, Kaine rushed out of the interrogation room, leaving Batman and Wyld bemused.
"So, it's dark here...Wanna make out?" asked Batman.
Stay tuned for Chapter 3: The Not So Usual Yet Expected Suspects