Although it hasn't even been a month since I moved out, I felt a void in my daily routine. See, back then, whenever I reached home (whether it's from university or work), I mooched onto her for life force and a sense of sanity from life. Most of the times, I would just knock on her door and she would invite me into her to talk and gossip about senseless things, just so that we would forget about the hardship of life. She was my withdrawal from the stresses and frustration I faced when I was alone (again, with the exception of Cyren).
Of course, I crossed my boundaries with her on a few occasion. For instance, I would secretly snack on her titbits or overstay my welcome in her room. Still, in the end, I would make some lame jokes and that would usually cheer her up. As heartless as I am on several occasions, she never held a grudge against me and we just move on with our life until the next day when we start the whole cycle again.
Don't get me wrong. I am there for her whenever she needed it. The thing about her is that, being a foreigner, she gets sick easily here. Not sure if it's the weather or the food or she is just a sick puppy, I would do my best to help her. Recently, she was admitted to the hospital for dengue (nasty stuff) and she suffered further ailment and complication because of it.
That leads me to her current circumstances. Her doctor discovered lesions in her spinal cord and it might take some time for her to heal completely from it. Meanwhile, she is attending physio-therapy at the local hospital but as her medical bill accumulates, it becomes unbearable to stay back. Thus, she is going back to her home country in a few days time and I would honestly say that, I will miss her.
I never did properly thank Varsha for being there all the time for me and my stay here a little bit more enjoyable. So, thank you Varsha (if you are reading this). Do take care and let's see each other soon. Hope that doesn't sound too cliche.
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