I better start writing something to prevent this blog from spiraling into oblivion...again.
Never fear though, I do have an interesting topic to lament about. As the title indicated, something doesn't seem right with youngsters these days. Those who keep peeled would notice that kids nowadays tend to be a bit...obnoxious. Now, I know that obnoxious is one of the common adjectives to describe an individual prior to adolescence years but kids are becoming more than that. They are outright rude and simply dreadful. I spoke of all these entirely out of my experience with current line of work.
Fine, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit. Perhaps, not all kids are of such demeanor. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, some of them still retain a degree of adorableness and traits that make one goes "awwww~". However, these are minorities. While the obnoxious ones can be cute too, their attitude and misbehaviour quickly overturn that feature, indirectly portraying themselves as mini spawns from the depth of the earth.
Again, maybe I'm overstating the facts. It could be that kids have always been this way and I'm the poor sap that's getting too old to tell the difference; another possibility is that kids have changed and this is the current norm, leaving me the poor sap as well that just couldn't keep up with time (age has gradually become a liability of my life).

Of course, looking at the amount of studies and tuition they have to go through on a daily basis (most Malaysian parents are fond of sending their kiddies to tuition centers), I do empathize them with the workload that they experience. I myself detested tuition when I was their age.
Hey, maybe kids haven't change at all. Maybe it's just that the tables have been turned and I'm the one conducting the class now. It sure does look different from the other side of table (more frustrating too). Given this new experience, it becomes a silent humor when I reminiscence an old memory of mine when I was that naughty.
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