While that was my usual antics of starting a new blog post, this paragraph is my actual opening. So, June has passed and we are in the midst of July (to be honest, it's way past mid-July now and I told myself to write this at the start of the month). Those of you who follow my blog (thank you for spending your time reading my LEGO-filled life...no, serious, I'm thankful), you would know that comes the start of a new month, I would feature a post reviewing my mundane yet seemingly interesting life of the previous month. Thus, I'm going to review the June 2014 that I have spent.

In a nutshell, I am working at a center, teaching personal growth to kids. I admit that I used to behave like a immature brat even though I'm technically an adult (the word scares me). I thought having a career in a field involving children would maintain that part of me. Oh boy, was I wrong. Not only do I have to be serious, I have to be...inspiring *gasp*. Well, I get to goof off once in a while with the kids.
Therefore, I have to constantly change 'face' or masks. Different situations call for different emotions and mindset. When kids are having fun, I have fun with them. When kids are being hell spawns, I need to become the devil. When kids are being angels (a rare moment indeed), I would be the god almighty *whahahaha*.
Anyway, I'm still changing personalities as of now. I realized one mask is not enough given the volatility of teaching and life. A mask is apt under certain circumstances. When circumstance changes, so does the mask. As an educator, I would say I'm struggling a bit to balance out the constant changing for the fear that I might end up with multiple personality (Harvey Dent style).
Needless to say, I still enjoy teaching and masks ARE used for entertainment and enjoyment.
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