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Friday, April 11, 2014

Selling Pretzels

Tada! You're looking at the new pretzel boy in Sunway Pyramid. I took the part time job offered by my friend's mum aka the boss just to pass the time until I find a permanent job to settle down with.

As you can see, it's Wetzel's Pretzel. By far, it's the only kind in Malaysia and we serve you 'hot fresh pretzels' (yup, that's our tagline).

What I can tell you about the pretzels is that we always keep it fresh. So you can ensure that it's hot, fresh and fluffy :3

Of course, every job somehow drains the energy force out of you as evident by my lack of sentences in this post. I need the money but I do enjoy working there as compared to elsewhere (for a part time job anyway). Well, c'est la vie.

However, do drop by and comment on our pretzels if you are happened to be in Sunway Pyramid.

I'm going to hit the hay now so byyyyeee~

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