5th April was a very wet day and it's been a long time too since a heavy downpour cascades the area known as Klang Valley. Normally, I would rejoice in this change of weather (as it has been hot and humid for the past few weeks), my mood somehow accords with the gloomy ambiance of the ominous grey sky.
The thing is that some of you may know I just came back from a vacation at a resort where Cy is conducting his fieldwork. Though it's relatively a short visit, I did manage to do and see more than what I expected (more on my vacation on the next post). However, there was a bittersweet ending to it as I had to leave Cy and what's worse was that we had to restrict ourselves. Our societal upbringing is to blame for this.
Don't worry as some of you may find this confusing. It's just a personal lament and rant that I needed to get them out off. Being alone as well as some erratic emotions have taken some tolls to me. I guess I have trouble venting out all these raw emotions and negativity as I actually don't know where I should hurl them in the first place (other than this blog).
On the brighter side of the rainfall, I applied for a part time job at a special need center. While I was expecting a lot of screaming and yelling and tantrum, it was a surprisingly calm morning and I grew fond of some of the kids (kinda wish I had my own). Now, that's another thing that rained my parade.
Well, as I said, it's a rainy day. One way or another, my blog is cloudy at the moment and I intend to stay under the clouds for a while, just to wash away whatever's been cooked up inside my mind that may have long become stale.
In the meanwhile, do enjoy the rain. It can be surprisingly soothing.
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