Today marks the first week of my internship. I know I haven't been updating as much as I should (usual excuse: business). Seriously, just because it's internship, it doesn't mean they won't drain every ounce of your energy. Anyhow, I have decided to feature the few good and bad things about riding a motorbike to work (technically, I ride to train stations which then I take to work but that's not the point).
The Good
1) It's convenient especially in a congested road (I can bypass all the cars).
2) I can park almost anywhere.
3) Petrol cost is not a major problem as it's cheap.
4) I can pretend I'm Ghost Rider.
The Bad
1) There's a risk of becoming a roadkill.
2) Air reeks of pollution.
3) Chance of stolen helmet is high.
4) Raining is a major issue for riders.
I'm sure there are issues I could include but these are the only ones I prioritize for now. Nonetheless, I know riding motorbikes can be dangerous especially on streets like KL, so I have decided to carpool with a few friends every now and then. Plus, I can sleep in the car.
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