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Friday, June 28, 2013

My Apocalyptic Artwork - Pestilence: Deadly Silence

Horseman: Pestilence
Colour: Green
Goal: Spreading diseases; leaving infectious good and slime around; zapping others with highly toxic chemicals


My take on sickly here involved tentacles-like limbs with a tube hooking it up to a hose at the bottom of the head. First thing first, my Pestilence is a radioactive head floating in a jar filled with liquid green goo. It contains all the viruses and diseases that nature has even created and it is increasing as viruses evolve. It is from here that the Horseman channels the goo via a tube to a hose to which it expels this putrid and infectious goo onto unsuspecting passerby - similar to how people catch diseases unknowingly.

Cyren told me that its features are very robotic and extraterrestrial which I don't disagree. It's robotic in a sense that all the equipment in a hospital (where sick people go) are robotic or something that one would seldom see. As for the alien part, aliens are foreign, just like how viruses are foreign to the human body.

Furthermore, another reason I went for this design is that it is similar to the shape of a virus. If you are to look at a virus under a microscope, they have tentacles which they use to attach to a cell before injecting their DNA into the cell. The difference is that I added laser beams to two tentacles for coolness effect.

With regards to the bible version of Pestilence  human societies are always plagued with diseases but some are worse than others (e.g., smallpox, the Black Death). Major plagues often resulted in a colossal number of deaths, just look at the Black Death for instance. That is why when the world is to come to an end, an epidemic is enough to wipe us all out and it is done so with a tiny microscopic agent which kinda bring a fearful thought to a person. It is the same idea as to how a zombie apocalypse can quickly turn into a widespread mayhem in a short period of time. Viruses are seriously deadly.

Because of this, Pestilence can be a formidable foe to fight if you can even fight it to begin with. Think about it. One barely knows that he or she is infected unless one shows symptoms of an infection. Sometimes by then, it is too late because the virus has already overwhelmed most bodily cells. The HIV is a good example of this. Depending on the individual, the symptoms may not even manifest sometimes up to a year or two. So, one would be blissfully unaware and continue their daily routines which involve other people and indirectly infecting them at the same time. Gradually, it spreads and everyone eventually will be infected.

While Pestilence may not enjoy the glory shared by its peers, it is considered as a powerful entity. It's subtle and unnoticeable. By the time when you do notice it, it may be too late.

Deadly Silence

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