Working life is never easy. That is why one doesn't work 24/7, seven days a week or basically, til you die. Most companies or establishments usually offer at least one day off and at most two days off. Mine is the latter to which I'm extremely grateful of.
When those days of the week finally come, it is expected that people should be elated with joy as they can afford not to care whatever happens at work. Contrary to the fact, I believed that the 5 days of the week have drained most of us dry to the bone and we want nothing more but a nice comfortable bed and a whole day of TV. Sadly, I'm the restless type of person and I find it extremely difficult to stay at home and just watch some brainless TV shows to pass the time.
As such, I will list down all the activities I engaged myself in and somehow trapped myself in during my days off.
1) I go out.
As simple as sentence is, I do not stay at home the whole day at all. My restless mind is fond of wandering around without supervision and when I tied myself down, I become...bored. I need to see things; I need to do stuffs and most of all, I need interaction. I personally believe I'm borderline ADHD but of course, that might just be me giving myself excuses to make mistakes. So far, for almost all my days off, I have never stayed at home.
2) I meet up with friends.
During my university years, I have constant interactions with my friends. In uni, at malls and even at home (
I'm referring to you, Varsha). Unfortunately, the downside of graduating is that everyone will be going their own way. You can't force your friend to take the same path as you. That's utterly selfish and suffocating.
However, there are some friends who remain rooted and my days off are the best time to meet up with them. I don't seem overly clingy (
though I am to a certain extent) and I get to fulfill my social needs. Thus, on my days off, I usually have lunch or dinner with my buddies and have a few laughs at our confusing life and unknown future (
it's quite depressing sometimes).
3) I drink coffee.
Coffee has, one way or another, become an essential substance in my life. I drink it on an daily basis but those consist of the cheap Nescafe 3-in-1 sachets. While I admit this is obviously an addiction I should keep in check, I couldn't help but find myself at various coffee parlor (
with wi-fi) and sip on one of the higher end coffees or teas. Of course, my definition of higher end is nothing more than RM15. I could just sit there the whole day, staring down on my book or iPad screen.
4) I buy grocery.
Although this doesn't happen as much as compared to my other days off behaviors, it is one of the few moments whereby I could buy decent raw food to cook at home for
moi. Let's be honest, outside food is great but it ain't exactly the most hygienic.
5) I lament about my life.
On the usual working days, I don't have the chance to ponder or contemplate where I'm going with my life. Hence, these days are my opportunity to wonder if I know what I want in my life. Let's just say I look forward to this as much as I look forward to clean a toilet used by kids.
And that is how I spent my days off. For you readers, how do you spend days off? Is it as fun as mine or you rather spend your days at work?